
With Architecture Studio is a design-led practice committed to delivering distinctive and functional spaces that yield engaging experiences and create lasting value for client and community. We take pride in responsible design that shows leadership and helps to create places that inspire and enable people. And our best work is achieved through collaborative teamwork.

Established in Perth in 1985, we have over 35 years of commissions, extensively published and awarded, that span the disciplines of architecture, urban design, master planning, interior architecture and public art. With Architecture Studio is Australia’s first certified carbon neutral architecture practice. We also achieved the nation’s first green star rated multi-residential design awarded by the Green Building Council of Australia.


Geoff Warn
Founding Partner | Creative Director

Daniel Aisenson
Partner | Design Director

Jane Wetherall
Managing Director

Matthew Robinson
Associate | Project Lead

John Nickels
Associate | Project Architect

Polina Zhalniarovich
Associate | Design Lead

Ryan Davies
Associate | Project Architect

Murray Duff
Delivery Lead

Damian Curnow
Documentation Lead

Marco Pagliaro
Project Architect

Dennis Silva
Project Architect

Morgan Doty
Project Architect

Katrina Kinnear
Project Architect

Alex Lockhart
Project Architect

Kai Low

Connie Lei

Rocel Ghanim

Sophy Vetkina
Architectural Technician

Stephanie Alama Chavez
Graduate Architect

Tiffany Chen
Interior Architect

Nic Kleijn
BIM Delivery

Rafael Velez
Architectural Technician

Sam Gorecki
Graphics Creative Lead

Kathryn Heaney
Graphic Designer

Laura Beilby
Culture and Studio Manager

Jenny Do
Studio Assistant

Jay Wakefield
Chief Financial Officer 

Azra Delalic

Wellness Coordinator



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