Kiara College – Additions and Improvements

Think Brick Award 2022 National
Winner – Horbury Hunt Commercial Award
& High Commendation  – Horbury Hunt Commercial Award

AIA Awards 2022 WA Chapter
Award for Educational Architecture

Department of Finance – Building Management and Works

Jason Hirst, Peter Farmer, and Miranda Farmer

Completed 2021


Kiara, WA

The new performing arts building, with its white fluted “crown” cantilevered over a brick base, strikes a commanding presence when seen from Benara Road.

The building’s siting features an elongated red wall that clearly define the school’s entry; an effective wayfinding device for pedestrians and those arriving by vehicle. The cantilevered “crown” defines the student drop-off zone, which is further acknowledged by the long bench seat integrated into the red-brick wall.

The entry forecourt to the performing arts foyer is defined with white brick walls and large circular openings in the soffit, the result being a space animated by the play of sunlight and shadow.

The formality of the primary façade transforms into a colonnade that opens to and grassed terrace raised above a new six-seasons court featuring colourful sculptures by indigenous artists. This enclosed space adds an urban quality to the school grounds and is a popular meeting placed for students.

The additions revitalise the school’s identity and its presence within the community. The revised masterplan consolidates the new buildings into a unique form that functions as a civic backdrop to the drop-off area and presents a distinctly handsome image for the school.


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